frequently asked questions
+ My plate Looks like it has a defect?
During the manufacturing process we QA check as much as possible to ensure that the parts are quality and are up to our standards. Occasionally one will miss the inspection and may get into your hands. Please reach out to us at and we will work with you to find a way to fix your issue you see. Check our other FAQ pages to see if one of them can fix your issues you see.
+ My plate has a burn mark on the back
Yes we know it will occur, we do our best to mitigate this during production using a raised system to keep the laser from scorching the back side as much as possible. Some burn will occur as we are using a laser to cut the material. If you feel your material is too badly burnt, reach out to us and we will work with you to resolve your issue contact us at
+ One or more parts do not want to pop out because it is not cut all the way through
We do our best to QA check the products for defects if you have issues popping out your parts review our FAQ on how to clean up the part. If that does not work please reach out to us for assistance and replacement plates or parts. Reach out to us and we will work with you to resolve your issue contact us at
+ I purchaser your Product on line and it shipped to me but the Mail service seems to have damaged it
Reach out to us and we will work with you to resolve your issue contact us at
+ What Supply's should i use
Reach out to us and we will work with you to resolve your issue contact us at
+ I don't quite get how to assembly my product
Reach out to us and we will work with you to resolve your issue contact us at
+ I really want to support you and build your brand
We are glad you want to help our endeavors. We would love to help try and add you to our product street team. Reach out to us and we will work with you to resolve your issue contact us at
+ Questions Comments and Concerns
Reach out to us and we will work with you to resolve your issue contact us at
Geeks 1st is a premier vendor in custom designed game box organizers and gaming accessories with an emphasis on quality, versatility and usability.
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