about our company

Geeks 1st is a premier vendor in custom designed game box organizers and gaming accessories with an emphasis on quality, versatility and usability. Geeks 1st is from the Crossroads of America and Great Gaming Capitol, Indianapolis Indiana. Our unique product design will not only save you time during setup and tear down, but allow you the versatility to interchange the inserts among multiple Modulas Boxes and Modulas Blade Boxes.


Our talented dedicated team is passionate about exceeding your expectations. We love our customers and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Use our Contact Us page to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.


The Modulas Box is the first in a real game changing revolutionary modular design that allows for in box storage that will allow for the ever growing demand behind games complex setup and tear down. The seamless organization even branches outside the traditional scene as it can be used with Miniatures like X-Wing, Warmachine, 40k and Card games like Magic the gathering, Pokemon, YU-GI-OH, and much more.


    Game Box Organizers

    Dice Towers

    Carry Trays and Unit Holders

    Life Counters



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meet the team



Geeks 1st is a premier vendor in custom designed game box organizers and gaming accessories with an emphasis on quality, versatility and usability.


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Indianapolis IN 46231


Email : Geeks1stLLC@gmail.com


Phone :     +1-361-433-5716




Copyright 2016-2025 All Rights Reserved. By Geeks for Geeks


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