Greetings and welcome to the Geeks 1st combined repository of instructions and guides for assembling our products. Most products are fairly easy to Assemble however, a few need some special attention to ensure a great success when building the product.
We have an ever growing list of products to choose from, come back soon for more options or send us a message and let us help you make your game a reality.
We love to work with small and upstart companies to design custom boxes for their games if we can find a way to do such in a timeframe that helps us both out.
As we grow and develop written instructions for the more complex products, please use the following Link to Youtube to watch quick videos for Help.
Tools of the trade
+ Basic Tools
Tools you need to assemble our boxes are fairly easy to come by.
1. Your hands
2. Wood glue (preferred) , gorilla glue or Elmer’s glue.
3. Paper Towels to wipe excess glue
4. Tape – Painters tape
a. NOTE: do not use duct tape, or regular packing tape as it will mark the wood and will damage your product.
5. Hobby knife to remove any wood flashing if needed (Optional)
6. Sand paper (Optional)
+ Advanced TOols
We cant quite recommend to use the following tools, however if you choose to use more advanced tools for Assembly and customization that is fine. but only at your own risk.
NOTE: We cannot help replace any parts if you choose to use any of the following Power tools
1. dremmel - make it your own and possibly into pieces!
2. hacksaw - it will cut through that box for sure!
3. drill - put holes in everything!
4. Other power tools - just for the fun of wood!
Extra ideas
1. paints - to spruce up your box
2. wood burner - to draw some cool custom art on it
Modulas Base Box kit and Lid
+ Modulas Box - Base Kit
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Base Box - Lid
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
Modulas Box Inserts
+ Modulas Box - Open Box Insert
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+ Modulas Box - 2 way Box Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - 4 way Box Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - 4 Coffin Box Insert
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+ Modulas Box - Vault Box Insert
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+ Modulas Box - Dice Tower Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - CCG Dual Deck Box Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - CCG Commander Box Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - CCG Modular Box Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - Standard Insert - Single Lid
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - Open ODD Box Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - 2 way ODD Box Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Modulas Box - 4 way ODD Box Insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
Modulas Blades
+ Blade - Mini
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Blade - Mini Double
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Blade
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Blade - Double
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
Dice Towers
+ Dice Tower - Small ( Modulas )
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Dice Tower - Pro Dice Tower
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Dice Tower - DM9k
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
Deck Boxes
+ Commander Deck Box
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Destiny Deck Box
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 60 card Treasure BOx
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 100 card Treasure Box
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
Table Top war gaming accessories
+ Infinity tray insert
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ Paint Station
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ large Flip Box with Lid
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ X - Wing Templates
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ X - Wing Template Holder
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
Customizable Card Display Racks
+ 2 - Card Display - 8"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 2 - Card Display - 10"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 2 - Card Display - 12"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 3 - Card Display - 8"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 3 - Card Display - 10"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 3 - Card Display - 12"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 4 - Card Display - 8"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 4 - Card Display - 10"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
+ 4 - Card Display - 12"
Please use the YouTube Link above until the written instructions are complete if you have any issues please contact us at and we will help in any way to resolve your issue.
Misc / Other Instructions
+ The Mystical Magical Box of infinant storage
ask and you shall be given the tools to build this box of awesome! only the chosen few shall succeed.
Geeks 1st is a premier vendor in custom designed game box organizers and gaming accessories with an emphasis on quality, versatility and usability.
Get in touch
Indianapolis IN 46231
Email :
Phone : +1-361-433-5716
Copyright 2016-2025 All Rights Reserved. By Geeks for Geeks